Dealing with Loss
Death is part of life.
We all have to face loss at some stage in our life.
When we do loss can often open up past wounds, with the feelings of loneliness and emptiness being felt acutely.
Living with Pain
Living with pain is sometimes all consuming of thought and energy.
How do people live in pain with patience and tolerance?
Understanding Behaviour
Have you wondered why people do the things they do? Have you ever wished you could help others develop personal responsibility for their own behaviour?
Inherited Trauma
Mark Wolynn shares his insights and learnings on Inherited Traumas, from his book:
It Didn’t Start With You
Understand Your Mental Health
Dr Paul Conti talks with Andrew Huberman on how to understand and assess your mental health.
Episode 1 of a 4-part special series on mental health
The Feeling Wheel
Your Emotional Dashboard
The feeling wheel is a tool that has been around for decades and provides powerful vocabulary for understanding our emotions. As you tune in to the sensations in your body, scan the wheel to find the words that identify your inner experience.
The Growth and Stuck Triangles
Ingredients for an Upward Path
Firstly, since you are here and reading this, it is likely that you desire some kind of transformation in your life. Some event or events have occurred and inspired a desire for growth within you.
The Identity Continuum
A Roadmap of the Developing Self
The Identity Continuum paints a picture of how we develop our concept of self, and shows how shifts in awareness, accountability, self-compassion, and healing can allow us to experience the world in a more authentic way.