Enhance your Future! Reach your Potential!

Do you feel you have much more potential than what you are using or showing now?

Maybe you want to explore strategies to move you from where you are now to where you want to be?

Choice Theory is about being the best person you can be. It is about taking charge of your life choices and behaviours through

self-reflection and getting to know who you really are at your core…the authentic you.

You will be asked to journal as often as you can without expectations and limits.

When journaling try these tips to help you get started:

• Choose a journal that speaks to you. We are aesthetic beings, so keeping this in mind create the journal which represents you. Blank paper, lined paper, colours, black and white, whatever suits you.

• Write or draw every day. Set aside a few minutes every day to write. This will help you to write in your journal regularly.

• Make it easy. Keep a pen and paper handy at all times. Then when you want to write down your thoughts, you can.

• Write or draw whatever feels right. Your journal doesn't need to follow any certain structure. It's your own private place to

discuss and create whatever you want to express your thoughts and feelings. Let the words and ideas flow freely. Don't worry about spelling mistakes or what other people might think.

• Use your journal as you see fit. You don't have to share your journal with anyone. If you do want to share some of your

thoughts with trusted friends and loved ones, you could show them parts of your journal.

Through journaling you will be able to identify any habits or thought patterns which no longer serve you? Together we will identify strategies to help eliminate these.

Want to learn more?

Send me an email to organise a 30 min chat.


Before taking Prime Potential, my thoughts were jumbled with emotion and anxiety mixed in.

Now, I’m less stressed and have a positive outlook on life.

The calm feeling from the cleansing process and being able to open up and share my greatest feelings and fears was a surprise for me. I wasn’t expecting to open up so much.

You have to do the program it’s really helping me to function better in my life day to day.

It takes all the best ideas from eastern and western therapies and presents it in a meaningful and engaging way that will change your life.

